To my delight, I was gifted a Paradise Kids 18″ doll that needed some clothing. I got right to work making her something. Here we are with a basic peasant dress, but this is only the beginning. I have something else in mind, something VERY cool, you’ll see!
It might be ten years from now with my track record, but hey.

Here’s the sewing pattern pieces to print – 18inch doll peasant pattern
Sew the sleeves to the front and the backs to the sleeves, then gather by whatever means necessary (zigzag over a piece of string and pull it up) to make the neckline 10″ and the sleeves 4.5″.
Then fold over the back edges and add velcro or snaps.

As usual there’s no pattern piece for the skirt. It all depends on what size and shape the scrap of fabric is that I’m using.
For this one I put little pleats into strips of fabric to make tiers.

Note about Sizing
I looked at the Carpatina page for info about sizing, particularly this sketch–

This Paradise Kids girl has a 10″ waist and 12″ belly. Her shoulder width is 3.75″ across, right between the two above. So I guess this would fit on Journey Girls also, but not American Girl.
I’ll have to remember to measure my American Girl doll if I use this pattern. Thanks for the free patterns…cute.